DragonBall Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3 for the Ps2 Rel. 11/13/2007
Lang.: English
Discs: 1
Image: MDS/ISO
Genre: 3D Fighting
Rating: T (Teen)
Requirements: Modded/Chipped ps2, or Swap Magic disc method.
Ripped from original Retail Disc.
Compressed with WinRar, Game was tested and works.
Note: No Ps2 Backup/Disc Game or Copy will work unless your Ps2 console is
Modded (Allows playing of backups), or if you use Swap Magic.
You could try the homebrew exploit to (Free Mc Boot - Also known as softmodding
for ps2), if your ps2 system isn't hard modded with a chip or if Swap Magic isn't
working as a last resort. There are ps2 emulators but its not 100%
& the quality isn't as good as playing your game on your ps2 console.
If your using swap magic and don't have a flip top, you'll need to first
remove the front cover of the disc tray for use of the slide card.
Here's a link for how to remove the front cover...
And here's some links on using the slide tool to open the tray to swap in your
ps2 copy or backup game.
Those that don't have a modded Ps2 Here's a few links for Free MC Boot & how
to use it to soft mod your ps2 so you can be able to play burned games.
Free Mc Boot won't work on newer models of ps2 you'll have to use an older
version the tutorial explains this.
-- http://bootleg.sksapps.com/tutorials/fmcb/
You will also need to patch the iso (the PS2 game) with ESR disc patcher
GUI v0.24a if your using free mc boot with ESR Elf to boot your p2 copies or
backups (No-swapping required for esr method).
After patching burn the iso with Imgburn or Dvd Decrypter to respectable media
then use the ESR through fmcb after you installed everything to boot your game.
You will still need to use the proper media for the game to run or load properly
regardless if your using fmcb, a modded ps2, or swap magic. Try Verbatim DVD+R
(Booktype to DVD-ROM), or Taiyo Yuden, burn at 8x if its a 16x max. You really
can't use Maxell DVD+R for example or some other brand as it more than likely
will not work.
Note: If fmcb isn't working and your Ps2 isn't Modded, Try Swap Magic to load
the game.
Game Description:
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 delivers an extreme 3D fighting experience,
with over 150 playable characters, enhanced fighting techniques, beautifully
refined effects and shading techniques, making each character's effects more
realistic, and over 20 battle stages.
* 150 playable characters.
* Enhanced fighting techniques.
* Beautifully refined effects and shading techniques.
* Over 20 battle stages.
Just use DVD Decrypter, or ImgBurn to burn the game.
Burn at 8x or 4x speed.
Use Verbatim or Taiyo Yuden DVD Media for best quality, or if other media isn't
If using DVD+R booktype to DVD-ROM.
(If your Mod-Chip, or Ps2 doesn't support DVD+R).
Any problems or questions please post a comment.
If this is working for you post a comment let us know.
Please Seed This when your done.
(I can't seed 24/7 do your part and seed to keep the torrent healthy).
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